Error in pagination?

Good morning,

I´ve tried to solve by myself, but I´m afraid it´s time to ask for your help.
I´m encountering the below error when trying to open page 2,3,etc or in other words : /projekte/page:2#pages

2024-03-20T07:06:31.5145857Z NOTICE: PHP message: Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Http/Uri.php:92
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5163793Z Stack trace:
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5174757Z #0 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Http/Uri.php(92): Whoops\Run->handleError(8192, 'Automatic conve...', '/home/site/wwwr...', 92)
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5239417Z #1 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Http/Uri.php(214): Kirby\Http\Uri->__construct(Array, Array)
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5395261Z #2 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/App.php(1656): Kirby\Http\Uri::current(Array)
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5423179Z #3 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/System.php(159): Kirby\Cms\App->url('index', true)
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5439305Z #4 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/AppCaches.php(80): Kirby\Cms\System->indexUrl()
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5501804Z #5 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/AppCaches.php(32): Kirby\Cms\App->cacheOptions('pages')
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5512316Z #6 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/Page.php(558): Kirby\Cms\App->cache('pages')
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5528850Z #7 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/Page.php(972): Kirby\Cms\Page->isCacheable()
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5616608Z #8 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/App.php(775): Kirby\Cms\Page->render()
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5696602Z #9 /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Cms/App.php(1189): Kirby\Cms\App->io(Object(Kirby\Cms\Page))
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5719163Z #10 /home/site/wwwroot/index.php(5): Kirby\Cms\App->render()
2024-03-20T07:06:31.5792709Z #11 {main}

Kirby: 4.1.2
PHP: 8.2.14
Server: nginx

The site is hosted on Azure as a web application.

Any ideas? Highly appreciate your support and help on this issue.


Found some more:
It seems that the URL is malformed (at least for Kirby). The error seems to be coming from parse_url function:

line 92: /home/site/wwwroot/kirby/src/Http/Uri.php

        if (is_string($props) === true) {
            $props = parse_url($props);

Not sure if that helps …

Seems I´ve found the issue :slight_smile:

I´ve changed the site url from

'url' => '/',


'url' => '',

Everything was fine after this change.

Two things I´m wondering about:

  1. Shouldn´t it work also with just “/”? As it does on my local environment
  2. I´ve seen that on my local environment, the delimiter is ; instead of :

So, I guess it works fine locally as it´s page;2, instead of page:2.

Does anybody know where this difference comes from?


The delimiter depends on your operating system, Windows uses ;

Why set it at all? The url option is not required to be set, unless you have a special setup or want to explicitely set certains urls.

Oh, wasn´t aware of that … will remove it and give it a try …
Thanks :+1: