Display dynamically queried pages in the panel


I have a website that has some projects. Each project page can have one or multiple authors which are also pages. These pages can be selected in the project panel page.

I would like to make the editors life a bit easier by then also displaying the related projects in the author page. These would have to be queried dynamically. In the frontend I fetch them like this but I don’t know how or if I can do this in the panel.

<?php $projects = $site->find("projects")->children()->filter(function ($child) use ($page) {
  return $child->author()->toPage()->is($page);
}) ?>

Thank you!

You need a page method or page model method that you can then use within your pages section query.

Could you please provide me with an example? I didn’t find any information how I could use a page method to query something in the blueprint. Thank you!!

Since you cannot use that rather complex query, you need to move it to some method, ideally in a model for the author page.

Your section in the author.yml

    type: pages
    query: page.getProjectsForAuthor()

The in a model for the author page (site/models/author.php, provided those author page use an author.yml blueprint:

class AuthorPage extends Page
    public function getProjectsForAuthor()
        return page('projects')->children()->listed()->filter(fn($child) => $child->authors()->toPages()->has($this));

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Ahh, I didn’t know I could use methods or fields in a blueprint query like that. Thank you!!