Developer required for developing portfolio site in Kirby

Hi there,

A developer friend has almost finished developing a bespoke folio site for my partner and I.

He’s unable to fully complete the project or share the code due to his personal circumstances (health and a new baby!) So rather than calling on mates rates and waiting upon his understandably limited availability. I’m now seeking a developer who can rebuild the designs from scratch in Kirby.

I have a detailed brief and the html links I can share by email to give you better visibility of your time required.

Look forward to hearing from interested peeps.

Win (UI Designer)

I’m happy to help.
Feel free to send me an email (

Hi win!
I really like to work for a Kirby project :slight_smile:
Please contact me via
My website:

Drop me an email! Ready to start asap just send over the docs :slight_smile:

Hope you’ve already found help :slightly_smiling_face:

If not shoot me a message


If yo uare still looking for help you can contact me at



please leave a message if this job is already taken, so that we can close this thread. Thank you!

Hi all. A developer has now been found for this project. Thank you for to those that have expressed interest. The Kirby community is AWESOME!