Deliver only application/json in V3

in the past I have used Kirby very much as a pure API. This means that there were no normal PHP pages. Just a function that JSON publishes. But because I didn’t like the .json in the URL, I didn’t use this function either. That means a home.php just delivered json.

Now I ported to version3, added by reinstalling everything. And my old approach doesn’t really work anymore.

I always get an answer with the type document. Setting the headers doesn’t help either.

If all else fails, you could return the home page/whatever your have there from a route, e.g.

'routes' => [
            'pattern' => '/',
            'action' => function() {
                return Response::json(json_encode(page('home')->toArray()));

In Kirby 3, you can set the response type like this in your templates:


echo json_encode(['your' => 'data']);

You can also set other types like this by extension or MIME type:



It looks like we haven’t documented this anywhere yet. Or have I overlooked it, @texnixe?

No, I don’t think so, I was missing it yesterday as well, but would have expected that if I return a Response::json() or a new Response() with application/json from a template, that I’d get the correct headers as well.

There’s an idea issue about that here.

Ah, thanks, @lukasbestle.