Date is displayed randomly in Page Table

Hey there,
I have the intl-DateFormatter activated in my config. In the page table in the panel I am showing events and want to display the start and due date. Somehow the date is formatted randomly for some events.

This is the blueprint for the pageTable:

type: pages
layout: table
template: event
    label: Start
    value: " {{ page.startDate.toDate('dd.MM.yyyy') }} "
    width: 1/6
    label: Ende
    value: "{{ page.endDate.toDate('dd.MM.yyyy') }}"
    width: 1/6

All dates in the event.txt files are stored like this:

Startdate: 2025-07-03


Enddate: 2024-06-22

Has someone any idea?
Greets :slight_smile:

Could you try adding type: text to your columns definitions?

It can be so simple :see_no_evil:
Thank’s a lot, now it works!

Explanation: I assume startDate and endDate exist as fields in the blueprint as well with the field type date. So the columns try to automatically render it with our date column preview type, which takes the input, tries to parse it and render in a format.

But you already have taken care of formatting with your query (.toDate('dd'MM'yyyy)) so there is no need for that magic and it’s best to display it as type: text.

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