Database Status Draft not working


I am using a MySQL setup for a list of videos.
I’ve setup everything (hopefully) according to the cookbook, but I can’t seem to get the draft status working. It always shows unlisted

Any idea?
I’ll post all necessary code below:

# video.yml
title: Video

  changeSlug: false
  changeTitle: false

    label: Status
    type: text
    disabled: true
class VideosPage extends Kirby\Cms\Page
	public function children()
		$videos = [];

		foreach (Db::select('videos') as $video) {
			$videos[] = [
				'slug'     => $video->slug(),
				'num'      => $video->status() === 'listed' ? 0 : null,
				'template' => 'video',
				'model'    => 'video',
				'content'  => [
					'title'     => $video->title(),
					'status'    => is_null($video->status()) ? 'draft' : $video->status()

		return Pages::factory($videos, $this);

even setting 'status' => 'draft' does not change the panel preview :frowning:


Functions in model/video.php are per the cookbook.
Database has a column called status and some entries with draft in it

Any hint as to what I am missing?


Is the isDraft() method defined in your page model for the single page?

ah… too easy!
found it in the cookbook, added it and now it works

thank you!!