Customize Image Block Component

Hi there,

i customized the image block component with:

  • a custom renderer at snippets/block/image.php (Works fine)
  • a custom blueprint at blueprints/blocks/image.yml (Works fine)

In my blueprint i added a new field called “Image size” and i customized the “Ratio” field. Both are interpreted correctly in the snippet.

Now i want to make sure the Layout Block Rendering in the panel shows the images as i want. Whats the best practice for customizing the Image Renderer in the Panel?

You have to change the vue component, the link to the original you can find here:

Is it possible to place the component (an overwrite of it) somewhere in the /site folder instead editing the component in the /kirby folder?

You should never change anything in the kirby folder. To overwrite a component, you need to create a plugin and make your changes there.