Custom Validator Error Method name must be a string

Hello, I´ve created an custom validator for a form with the invalid() helper. The validator works fine when I call it like this
V::matchAvailableTable($data['pnum'], $data['table']);
but when I call it with invalid() like this

$rules = [
      'table'   => ['required', 'match' => '/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/'],
      'pnum'    => ['required', ['matchAvailableTable' => [$data['pnum'], $data['table']]]]

I get the Error “Method name must be a string” in Toolkit/V.php

Thanks for every idea!

The key must not be within the first array, without starting a second one:

$rules = [
      'table'   => ['required', 'match' => '/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/'],
      'pnum'    => [
       'matchAvailableTable' => [[$data['pnum'], $data['table']]]

Not really sure about the double inner ones, remove it superfluous.

Thank you! In this case the plugin receives an array and not two single variables compared to the validator method V::matchAvailableTable(); Thats why the error occured.