Custom field - a button that import data from API


I guess I’m out on deep water here with my not-so-great-php-knowledge, but if some one could push me in the right direction I would be much appreciated.

So, what I want to do is this:
Create a custom field type which is a button the admin can click to send a request to an api and get some answers which will create a bunch of subpages and add data to them. Then give the admin some feedback about which pages has been created or updated/already exist.

I have manage to do this by adding the logic to a template and just refresh the page, but now I want to move it to the panel where it belong. This is the code I used i the template:


require_once kirby()->roots()->assets() . '/apiLib.php';
 * Instantiate the api Class with the following parameters:
 * @param string    Access ID.
 * @param string    Secret Key.
 * @param string    HTTP transport function. (optional) Options: curl, file or socket. Default: curl
 * @param int       HTTP connection timeout, in seconds. (optional)
 * @param bool      $returnObjects (optional) if TRUE, responses are objects, otherwise associative arrays.
$dataAPI = new DataApi( 'XXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXX' );

<main class="main grid-container" role="main">

  <div class="text">
    <h1><?php echo $page->title()->html() ?></h1>
    <?php echo $page->text()->kirbytext() ?>

$search = $dataFeedrAPI->searchRequest();
$category = $page->category();

$search->addFilter('category LIKE [' . $category . ']');
$search->addFilter('source_id IN 320');
$search->addFilter('merchant_id IN 38788, 61612');
$search->addFilter('brand !EMPTY');
$search->addFilter('description !EMPTY');
$search->addFilter('image !EMPTY');

$products = $search->execute();

$return_count = count($products);
print '<h2>'.$return_count . ' of ' . $search->getFoundCount() . ' total products found in the DataFeedr API.</h2>';

  foreach($products as $product) {
    $productItem = $page->children()->find($product['_id']);

    //Check if product already exist
    if ( $productItem ) {

      //Check if product has been updated by the merchant
      if ( $product['time_updated'] != $productItem->time_updated() ) {

        // Update the product content
        try {
            'title' => $product['name'],
            'id' => $product['_id'],
            'suid' => $product['suid'],
            'sku' => $product['sku'],
            'time_updated' => $product['time_updated'],
            'description'  => $product['description'],

          echo 'Product ' . $product['name'] . ' has been updated<br / >';

        } catch(Exception $e) {
          echo $e->getMessage();
        // end product update
      } else {
        //The product is up to date
        echo 'Product ' . $product['name'] . ' already exist<br / >';

    } else {
      //The product does not jet exist and will be created
      try {
      $newProduct = $page->children()->create($product['_id'], 'product', array(
        'title' => $product['name'],
        'id' => $product['_id'],
        'suid' => $product['suid'],
        'sku' => $product['sku'],
        'time_updated' => $product['time_updated'],
        'description'  => $product['description'],
      ));// end $newProduct

      //Download the product image to server
      $imageData = file_get_contents($product['image']);
      $imageName = $product['brand'] . '-' . $product['name'];
      file_put_contents($newProduct->root() . DS . f::safeName($imageName) . '.jpg', $imageData);

      echo 'The new product ' . $product['name'] . ' has been created <br / >';

      } catch(Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();

    } // end else
  }// end foreach

Hope some one wants to take this challenge.

I will not write the code for you but I think this is a prefect case for…

It’s a very basic field with a template.php which includes a textbox. You can replace that with a link.

It also includes a route which you will probably need for your API.

Thank you Jens. Looks like a good start.