Custom block preview: Conditional rendering for different heading sizes

I am, again, stuck at something while working on custom blocks and I couldn’t find any solution yet.

In my custom block is a blocks field, which I want a preview of in the panel. I know how to output content from different fields, but now I’m having some trouble with conditional rendering.
The blocks field in my "sectiontext" block uses a text block and a heading block. They both have the field “text” and I can output all the contents in the preview like this:

sectiontext: {
    template: `
            <div v-for="item in content.blocks">
                <p v-html="item.content.text"></p>
    type: blocks
    label: Inhalt
      - heading
      - text

My problem is that everything is wrapped in <p> tags. I want my headings wrapped in h2's etc.
The headings have a select field to select the level (H2, H3, etc.).
How can I check in my loop if the "level" select field exists and change the corresponding wrapping tags to be a heading?

Or is it possible to check if my item in the loop is a specific block type and output different HTML?

You probably need a computed property here. For example in a video block i did this…

panel.plugin("hashandsalt/localvideo", {
  blocks: {
    localvideo: {
      computed: {
        video() {
          return this.content.vidfile.length === 0 ? false : this.content.vidfile[0].url;
      template: `
        <div @click="open">          
          <video v-if="video" autoplay muted loop>
            <source :src="video" type="video/mp4">
            <p>Your Browser does not support video<p>
          <div v-else>No video selected yet</div>

This shows the preview if the video feild has a value. You should be able to use the same principle to set the heading. You can put the defualt heading level in the else, the switch between the others.

I think I know how it’s done, but for that I need to access a field and I can’t get it to work.

computed: {
    heading() {
        if (this.content.blocks) {
            return true;

^ This returns true because my blocks field exists. But I want to check if a block in this blocks field contains the field “level”. So I’m looking for something like this to access the field:

computed: {
    heading() {
        if (this.content.blocks.level) {
            return true;

Or something like this:

computed: {
        heading() {
            let blocks = this.content.blocks;
            blocks.forEach(block => {
                if (block.level) {
                    return true;

Is this possible? Thanks!

I managed to figure it out.
Using computed values did not work out for me so instead I went with this solution:

template: `
            <div v-for="item in content.blocks">
                <div v-if="item.content.level === 'h2'">
                    <h2>{{ item.content.text }}</h2>
                <div v-else v-html="item.content.text"></div>

I’ll have to make an if-statement for each heading level, but it works for now.

Edit: I just found out how to check for a specific block type:

<div v-for="item in content.blocks">
   <div v-if="item.type === 'yourblockname' ">
      <h2>{{ item.content.yourfield }}</h2>