Csrf doesn't match when sending requests from another domain


I’m requesting a form at domain-a from a route at domain-b and set a csrf token, which will be set in a hidden input in the formsnippet:

[ // Return the snippet with the Form Template
    'pattern' => 'path/form',
    'method' => 'GET',
    'action'  => function () use($kirby) {
		$sess = $kirby->session();
        return Response::json([
            'status' => 'ok',
			'statusType' => 'template_loaded',
            'html'   =>  snippet('forms/formsnippet', ['csrf' => csrf()], true),
        ], 200);

After filling in the form (domain-a) and sending it back to the next route at domain-b, the token doesn’t match anymore, but I actually need the session to process the formdata.

    // A form was sent via the front-end from domain-a.
    'pattern' => 'path/formaction',
    'method'  => 'POST',
    'action'  => function () use($kirby) {
		$sess        = $kirby->session();
		$request     = $kirby->request();
		$body        = $request->body();
        $fd          = $body->toArray();
		return Response::json(['status' => 'error', 'statusType' => 'session_expired',
				'html' => dump([
					'fd[csrf]' => $fd['csrf'],
					'CSRF' => csrf(),
				], false)
			], 200);

It works, if both, the form and the routes are living in the same domain.
Do I have to send some special headers when making a fetch request?

Thanks in advance!

Ah, well, ok, I just found this topic… :exploding_head: