Creating Image Blocks programmatically

Moin everybody!

I’m trying to convert a rather old kirby page to a new version with blocks instead of kirbytext fields. As the most pages are not that complex, I’m using Blocks::parse() for that. This works good except with images.

parse is creating image blocks but obviously referecing them with a web location an with the mediaUrl.

So I thought of just rewriting that block to a kirby location but I’m not getting behind this. My last approach was rather “harsh” because I thought there might be some problems when using update() on a blocks content but… it’s not working that way:

		$block = $oldBlock->toArray();
		if ($block['type'] == 'image') {
			$url = explode('/', $block['content']['src']);
			$block['content']['location'] = 'kirby';
			$block['content']['image'] = [A::last($url)];
			$block['content']['src'] = '';
			'content' => $block['content'],
			'type' => $block['type'],

Are there any caveats when creating a image block programmatically? How should I reference an image when doing so?


An image block looks basically like this:

$image = new Kirby\Cms\Block([
  'content' => [
    'location' => 'kirby',
    'image' => [
  'type' => 'image',
$blocks = $page->text()->toBlocks();
$blocks = $blocks->add(new Kirby\Cms\Blocks([$image]));

  'text' => json_encode($blocks->toArray()),

Thanks, Sonja!

I fed the $page->update() with the blocks collection because I thought Kirby would handle this directly. I now converted the collection to an array, did an json_encode and now every works like it should.

Yes, the strange thing is that I wrote a recipe that works with just the blocks in the past, as if something changed in the meantime. Have to check this and adapt the recipe if necessary.

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Indeed, the recipe did’nt mentionned the json_encode($blocks->toArray()), which seem necessary. Thanks !

Ok, I finally got round to dumping the recipe code into a Starterkit and it worked like advertised without me having to json_encode() the blocks.

Hm, the problem seems to be that it stops working when trying to add image to the mix.

I fixed the recipe.