Create a calendar from dates in multiple structure fields

Hi dear community,

I’m currently coding the website of a small french movie theater (already online at In the panel, each movie has its own page with screening schedules listed in a structure field that looks like:

  type: structure
      type: date
      display: DD/MM/YYYY
      type: time
      display: H:mm

In the front, I’d like to create a page displaying a calendar with movies grouped by month, by day and by four time slots (depending on when the screenings begin). The generated HTML for each month should be:

<h2>July 2021</h2>
<ul class="days">
    <h3>Wednesday 7</h3>
    <ul class="slots">
        <h4>From 14:00 to 16:00</h4>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <h4>From 16:00 to 18:00</h4>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <h4>From 18:00 to 20:00</h4>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <h4>From 20:00 to 22:00</h4>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
        <p>Movie title</p>
    <h3>Thursday 8</h3>

Currently, all the scheduled movies are stored in a collection called ‘scheduledmovies’ (original isn’t it :sweat_smile:).

I really don’t know how to code properly this calendar as my PHP skills are limited when it comes to complex foreach loops. Is there a kind dev who could help me please?

Thank you :pray:

Kirby has a group() function that helps you group a collection into whatever categories they fall into.

You can find an example of how to use it for pages:

And more here:

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That’s a good start! Thanks for pointing to these grouping functions pixelijn.
I’m sure I’ll find a way to manage this, even if it takes a week and my code is dirty :joy:

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On a side note, you may find my Recurr plugin useful. It is for recurring dates like events and film showings. GitHub - HashandSalt/kirby-recurr: Plugin for listing recurring dates

Its also capable of generating standard RRules which you can feed straight into something like FullCalendar on the front end.

I’ve played around with the grouping functions but I miss the logic to make it work as expected. My brain is giving me pain right now :face_with_head_bandage:

Should I first create a new collection from ALL the schedules listed in ALL movies, group it per month, then filter the ‘scheduledmovies’ collection for each day and time slot?

Or is it better/possible to group the schedules from the ‘scheduledmovies’ collection directly per time slot > day > month?

I’m completely lost, sorry…

Thanks Jim for your input. But I’d prefer to create the calendar from scratch instead of relying on an existing plugin. This way I can improve my PHP skills and, more important, because the final result will not be used as a standard calendar. It will become a tool for users to apply as volunteers in the movie theater. See attached a preview of the page I’d like to build.

Sure… the plugin just gives you a PHP array of all the dates and times. How you display those is up to you.

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Yes, first you need a collection of all structure items filtered for the given month.

And then this collection needs to be grouped by day and month.

Hi dear Kirby community!

I did not expect this to take me sooooo long (9 days to type the following lines) but the calendar starts to look like the capture above :smiley:

However, I still have an issue which drives me crazy… I will explain it below. But first, I need to explain a bit my (ugly) functions so you get the context.

  1. I created a new collection including ALL upcoming screening dates:
$alldates = new Collection();
$scheduledmovies = $kirby->collection('scheduledmovies');
foreach($scheduledmovies as $scheduledmovie){
  // Add to the new collection all the items of the scheduled movies structure that have a day in the future and an associated hour  
  $alldates->add($scheduledmovie->schedules()->toStructure()->filter(function ($schedule) {
  return $schedule->day()->toDate('%F') >= date('Y-m-d') && $schedule->hour()->isNotEmpty();
} ?>
  1. Then I group the new collection based on the dates:
// Per month
$groupedSchedulesPerMonth = $alldates->sortBy('day')->group(function($p) {
  return $p->day()->toDate('%Y-%m');
foreach($groupedSchedulesPerMonth as $month => $schedulesPerMonth): ?>
  <h2><?= strftime('%B %Y', strtotime($month)) ?></h2>
  <ul class="days">

  // Per day
  $groupedSchedulesPerDay = $schedulesPerMonth->group(function($p) {
      return $p->day()->toDate('%F');
  foreach($groupedSchedulesPerDay as $day => $schedule): ?>
      <h3><?= str_replace('.', '',strftime('%A %d', strtotime($day)))?></h3>
      <ul class="slots">
  1. And now I try to display the scheduled movies in the appropriate time slots depending on when the screenings begin:
          <h4>From 14:00 to 16:00</h4>
          // Movies begining before 16:00
          $filteredScheduledMovies = $scheduledmovies->filter(function ($child) use($day) {
            return $child->schedules()->toStructure()->filter(function ($item) use ($day) {
              return ($item->day()->toDate('%F') == $day) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') < 16);
          foreach($filteredScheduledMovies as $scheduledmovie){
            echo '<p>'. $scheduledmovie->title() . '</p>';
          } ?>

          <h4>From 16:00 to 18:00</h4>
          // Movies begining between 16:00 and 18:00
          $filteredScheduledMovies = $scheduledmovies->filter(function ($child) use($day) {
            return $child->schedules()->toStructure()->filter(function ($item) use ($day) {
              return ($item->day()->toDate('%F') == $day) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') >= 16) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') < 18);
          foreach($filteredScheduledMovies as $scheduledmovie){
            echo '<p>'. $scheduledmovie->title() . '</p>';
          } ?>

          <h4>From 18:00 to 20:00</h4>
          // Movies begining between 18:00 and 20:00
          $filteredScheduledMovies = $scheduledmovies->filter(function ($child) use($day) {
            return $child->schedules()->toStructure()->filter(function ($item) use ($day) {
              return ($item->day()->toDate('%F') == $day) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') >= 18) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') < 20);
          foreach($filteredScheduledMovies as $scheduledmovie){
            echo '<p>'. $scheduledmovie->title() . '</p>';
          } ?>

          <h4>From 20:00 to 22:00</h4>
          // Movies begining after 20:00
          $filteredScheduledMovies = $scheduledmovies->filter(function ($child) use($day) {
            return $child->schedules()->toStructure()->filter(function ($item) use ($day) {
              return ($item->day()->toDate('%F') == $day) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') >= 16) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') < 18);
          foreach($filteredScheduledMovies as $scheduledmovie){
            echo '<p>'. $scheduledmovie->title() . '</p>';
          } ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

The code above (3) is not working properly. Currently, the $filteredScheduledMovies collection echoes ALL the scheduled movies in each time slot as if the filter per day and hour was not working.

Could someone here understand why? What should I change in my code? :thinking:

This is the issue I’m facing today. But I’m sure I’ll have another one soon. I prefer to explain it right now in case this lead to a completely different logic:
Users should be able to click one or more time slots in the calendar to apply as volunteer at the movie theater… and I don’t know how to manage that. Should I generate a unique ID for each time slot and store them in the user’s page once clicked? Should I create virtual pages for that? Structure? Collection? I’m a bit lost… again… sorry…

Thank you all for your time and your help :pray:

PS: If you plan to go to Morlaix (France), the movie theater La Salamandre has a really great programming, and their website can help you decide what you gonna watch:


I think here you should filter $schedule (because that is you current day context), not $scheduledmovies.

Thanks (again) for your help pixelijn. I tried your proposal but it didn’t work…

I finally and hopefully managed to make my functions echo the right movies in the right month/day/time slots by adding a simple boolean, as suggested by Sonja in this post :blush:

$filteredScheduledMovies = $scheduledmovies->filter(function ($child) use($day) {
  return $child->schedules()->toStructure()->filter(function ($item) use ($day) {
    return ($item->day()->toDate('%F') == $day) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') >= 16) && ($item->hour()->toDate('%H') < 18);

Here is the current result:

Now I’ll have to find a proper way to make each time slot clickable by users so the movie theater team will know who will be contributing as a volunteer :nerd_face: