Hi there,
I am wondering, if there is a way to copy all contents of a page to its translation from within the panel. Maybe someone knows a way?
Thank you very much in advance!
Hi there,
I am wondering, if there is a way to copy all contents of a page to its translation from within the panel. Maybe someone knows a way?
Thank you very much in advance!
Maybe with a Janitor button and a custom job: Janitor | Kirby CMS. Make sure not to overwrite existing translations, though.
Thank you, I will look into that.
I think, the solution with the Janitor Plugin works, but I have issues with achieving what I want with my code. Maybe someone sees what’s wrong here?
'bnomei.janitor.jobs' => [
'copy' => function (Kirby\Cms\Page $page = null, string $data = null) {
if ($page === null) {
$page = site()->index(true)->findByID($data);
$languages = kirby()->languages();
$content = $page->text();
$translation = page($page->uri($languages->not(kirby()->language())->first()->code()));
$translation = $translation->update(['text' => $content]);
return [
'status' => 200,
'label' => 'Kopiert.',
A translation doesn’t exist as a separate page. You update a translation by updating the page and passing the language code as second parameter:
For example, update all non-default languages:
$languages = kirby()->languages()->not(kirby()->defaultLanguage());
foreach ( $languages as $language ) {
'text' => $content
Thank you very much, that’s it and also explains a lot.
Is there a way to mark both of your answers as solutions?
No, there is always only one solution here.