Cookie Approval plugin translation problem

hi, i’m using the cookie aproval plugin by @schnti. i have a problem with the translation: the english version of the site translates the cookie banner into english, but on the spanish version the banner message remains german even though i added the spanish translation into the index.php (see below). can anyone help? thanks


Kirby::plugin('schnti/cookie', [
	'translations' => [
		'en' => [
			'schnti.cookie.text'       => 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.',
			'schnti.cookie.linkText'   => 'More info',
			'schnti.cookie.buttonText' => 'Got It!',
		'de' => [
			'schnti.cookie.text'       => 'Diese Website benutzt Cookies, um seinen Besucher:innen das beste Webseiten-Erlebnis zu ermöglichen.',
			'schnti.cookie.linkText'   => 'Mehr Infos',
			'schnti.cookie.buttonText' => 'Ich habe verstanden',
		'es' => [
			'schnti.cookie.text'       => 'Este sitio web utiliza cookies para que usted tenga la mejor experiencia en nuestro sitio web.',
			'schnti.cookie.linkText'   => 'Más información',
			'schnti.cookie.buttonText' => 'He comprendido',
	'snippets'     => [
		'cookie' => __DIR__ . '/snippets/cookie.php'