i am thinking if that can also just be archived inside the template/controller, similar to passing a parameter or get request, however my attempt should still have a slug… not ?id=123, or id:123 but rather parent/123
is there any way to archive that within the controller. or any adjustment to the existing route (maybe there’s a better attempt)
if you want a dynamic slug using a route seems like the best option to me.
what exactly is not working?
to make it work in both multilang and single/no-lang setups you would need to check if id is null and then „shift“ the args - use place as id and language as place.
<?php foreach($data->features()->toStructure() as $feature): ?>
<li class="inline px-2">
<a href="<?= $data->url().DS.Str::slug($feature->keyword()->value()) ?>">
<?= $feature->keyword() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
// This outputs a List of URLS which are then accessable via the router...
/* Somehow it seems, not all slugs are working... and the router is not functioning on each entry in the structure.
The parent (e.g. $data->url() is always the same), the $feature->keyword() is always something like a city name or Job position... The slugs seem to be alright...