Contact form with PayPal

Hi guys

Relatively new to kirby. What i want to be able to do is have a contact form submit data to me and then redirect to PayPal where I’d take a pre defined amount off them. Is this possible, or exist already?

I suggest you have a look at the [Uniform plugin]( and its documentation). Why is has no Paypal action, you can define your own actions. As regards Paypal integration, there are a few topics here in the forum.

do users pay per submit? or how would you handle it?

submit form, and as long as you haven’t received any payment you will just ignore it?


I want users to be able to post adverts ultimately. So they’ll fill out a form with required details then they’re redirected to paypal to pay me. If ive received payment ill post the advert…

thats no “contact” form then.

well there are many ways to do it. you could also automatically “publish” when the paypal ipn has approved the payment.

as a starting point, if you want to code it yourself you can check here:

95% of things you need are found here:

if you are rather a beginner, you’d have to read alot first, before diving into the ocean…