Conditional routes?

I have a simple multi-language site with Chinese as one of the languages. I want to redirect all locales, e.g. /zh-cn, /zh-tw, /zh-hk to /zh. I’ve got a working route for that, but it “absorbs” all requests:

c::set('routes', array(
        'method' => 'GET',
        'pattern' => '(:any)/(:all)',
        'action' => function ($lang, $path) {
            if (preg_match('/zh\-[a-z]{2}/', $lang)) {
                go('zh' . DS . $path);

When I go to /zh-cn/foobar, I correctly get redirected to /zh/home. However, the new request matches the route too, but does not match the condition, and a blank page is returned. Also, all routes below this one are ignored. Is there a way to make Kirby behave a little bit like Apache or Nginx and process routes in a waterfall manner until it actually finds one that tells it what page to serve?

It would be ideal if, for example, I could return false in the first route and make Kirby process all other routes until it finds one that doesn’t return false.

Edit: I know I can switch the route to (zh\-[a-z]{2})/(:all) and have it working. I am using this example only to simplify my question. In reality, I have more complex logic in the route that can’t be expressed through regex, so modifying the pattern is not an option for me.

Instead of (:any), usu a regex pattern that starts with zh-

Yep, I was just about to edit my question. I know I can switch the route to (zh\-[a-z]{2})/(:all) and have it working. But I used that example only to simplify my question. In reality, I have more complex logic in the route that can’t be expressed through regex, so modifying the pattern is not an option for me.

Well, you can of course go through different conditions, and if none is met, return the actual page.

You can also try and check if a route filter might work for your use case.

Otherwise, maybe you want to explain in more details what you want to achieve.