Collection sorted by field in parents


I have a site with the following structure:

  |- artist-1
  |   |- artwork-1
  |   |- artwork-2
  |   |- artwork-3
  |- artist-2
  |   |- artwork-1
  |   |- artwork-2
  |   |- artwork-3
  |- artist-3
  |   |- artwork-1
  |   |- artwork-2
  |   |- artwork-3

I now need to create a collection of all artworks (which use the artwork template), sorted by a field in the Artist blueprint (lastName). I also want the artworks to appear in the order they are set on the artist page.

What would be the best way of achieving this?

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Ok I think I have it actually:

return function ($site) {
    return $site->find('art-and-artists')->children()->sortBy('lastName','asc')->children()->published();