Collecting user infos on a page + asking if the fields are empty

Hey, I can’t get this running.
I guess I have to put ->toUser() somewhere different.

Right now it is just not loading the images.

 <?php if ($user = $kirby->users()): ?>
    <?php foreach ($user->sortBy('lastname', 'asc', 'firstname', 'asc') as $user): ?>
<li><?= $user->firstname()?> <?= $user->lastname()?></li>
<?php if ($image = $user->toUser()->image()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
            <div class="imageContainer">
              <div class="artistPortrait" style="background-image: url(<?= $image->image()->url() ?>)">
          <?php endif; ?>
     <?php endforeach ?>
  <?php endif; ?>

There are a few issues with your code:

  • wrapping ul element missing
  • li element should wrap the div as well
  • don’t use same variable for plural users and user
  • you cannot call toUser on a user object
  • if ($user = $kirby->users()) doesn’t make sense because it’s always true
<?php $users = $kirby->users()->sortBy('lastname', 'asc', 'firstname', 'asc') ?>
<?php if ($users->isNotEmpty()): ?>
    <?php foreach ($users as $user) : ?>
      <li><?= $user->firstname() ?> <?= $user->lastname() ?>
      <?php if ($image = $user->image()) : ?>
        <div class="imageContainer">
          <div class="artistPortrait" style="background-image: url(<?= $image->image()->url() ?>)">
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>

If image in $user->image()is supposed to be a field (rather than fetching just an image from the user), the code needs to be adapted a bit.

Thanks for responding

Sorry about the missing HTML tags. I tried to simplify and screwed up.

But it is not about checking if the user is empty.
There is a files field in the user blueprint for uploading a portait. If the user doesn’t do that, it should appear a fallback.

   <?php if ($image = $user->image()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
       <div class="imageContainer">
           <div class="artistPortrait" style="background-image: url(<?= $image->url() ?>)">
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($image = $user->image()->isEmpty()): ?>
        <div class="artist-no-image">
     <?php endif; ?>

I thought that could do the job:

<?php if ($image = $user->image()->isNotEmpty()) : ?>

But then it say: isNotEmpty on null

Looks like is can’t ask if a files field from the user blueprint is empty or not.

What is the difference here? field or just fetching?

Ok, that’s why I was asking. If it’s a field, you have to convert it to a file object:

<?php if ($image = $user->content()->get('image')->toFile()) : ?>
  <div class="imageContainer">
    <div class="artistPortrait" style="background-image: url(<?= $image->url() ?>)">
<?php else : ?>
  <div class="artist-no-image">
<?php endif; ?>

It works, though I don’t understand why…

I mean, e.g. a text field works as expacted.

<?php if ($user->website()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
            <a href="<?= $user->website() ?>" class="button">website</a>
          <?php endif ?>

Why the detour for files?

Thanks anyway, I would have never got to this solution. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Checking if a text field is empty makes sense, because it returns if the field has a value or not.

In the case of files, it has no value to know if the field is empty or not. Because even if the field contains a value, it doesn’t mean that the file that was selected still exists at the time you are requesting it. Also, to get a file object from the string stored in your field, you need to call the toFile() method.

The toFile() method (or toFiles()for multiple files) checks if a file with the given path exists in your project.

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OK. I see.
Thanks very much for explaining.