Check if structured fields are not empty

How can i check if all the structured fields are not empty, and only display if everything is filled in?

Cheers, Maarten

<section class="column">
<div class="pricing-cards-eq mb-3">
<?php $products = $module->products()->yaml() ?>
<?php foreach($products as $product): ?>
$string = $product['features'];
$features = str::split($string, $separator = '|');   
<div class="pricing-card pricing-card-vertical pricing-card-eq">
  <h2 class="pricing-card-name alt-h3"><?php echo $product['title'] ?></h2>
  <div class="pricing-card-text">
        <span class="alt-h2 mr-2"><span class="default-currency"><?php echo $product['price'] ?></span></span>

    <p class="alt-text-small text-gray"><?php echo $product['description'] ?></p>
    <ul class="features">
                    <?php foreach($features as $feature):?>
                    <li><?php echo kirbytext($feature) ?></li>
                    <?php endforeach ?>

  <div class="pricing-card-cta">
        <a href="<?= $pages->find($product['ctalink'])->url() ?>" class="button"><?php echo $product['cta'] ?></a>
 <?php endforeach ?>
// for my own taste i like using toStructure() instead of yaml() most of the time
foreach($page->somestructure()->toStructure() as $product){
 if($product->field1()->value() && $product->field2()->value()){
  // DO if all set.

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With yaml:

$products = $module->products()->yaml();
foreach($products as $product) {
  if(count(array_filter($product, function($item) {
    return empty($item);
  })) == 0) {
    // do something
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Thank you both, love the solutions!!

@texnixe maybe it would be nice improvenment if fileld method


took care of it somehow (atleast with error message)?

Its quite confusing because you get something out and its wrong :smiley:

@krisa Didn’t you say you didn’t want to post anything anywhere but in the chat anymore? So here you are!

I’m not sure I understand your question? If you use toStructure() on the structure field, you can, of course, check if a field is empty or not:

$structure = $site->structurefield()->toStructure();
foreach($structure as $s) {
  if($s->field1()->isNotEmpty() && $s->field2()->isNotEmpty() && $s->field3()->isNotEmpty()) {
    echo $s->field1() . $s->field2() . $s->field3();

Or using filter($callback):

$structure = $site->structurefield()->toStructure();
$filteredStructure = $structure->filter(function($child){
  return $child->field1()->isNotEmpty() && $child->field2()->isNotEmpty() && $child->field3()->isNotEmpty();

True, im gone.


What is this supposed to do? $structure in the above example is not a field, but a collection; so you can’t use a field method with it.

I was just trying to do this myself. This seems to work pretty well, if you need to know before the loop has started:

$structure = $site->structurefield()->toStructure();
if($structure->first()) {
  // do something 
} else {
  // something else
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I’d use $structure->count() to stay in line with Kirby’s internal checks… but yes, first() should work as well.

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