Change user roles duplicate entries

Sorry for yet another question. I hope that’s ok.

I have two different user roles:

  1. Admin
  2. Standard

As admin, when I try to change a standard user’s role to an admin user, it’s only showing the current standard user option in the dialog window but not the admin user option.

If I create another admin user .yml file it shows both roles as intended.
However if I’m creating a new user, it’s showing a duplicate of the admin users and one standard user (probably because the admin user is the default option). (See screenshots)

(I also tried to rename the created adminuser.yml to admin.yml to no avail. Following this guide:

Is this a bug?


Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-02 um 17.26.50

That’s what this forum exists for.

The blueprint for the admin user should be called admin.

I just remembered that there is currently a bug when there is only one admin user: If there is only one admin user, this admin cannot change the role of non-admin users to admin · Issue #2380 · getkirby/kirby · GitHub