Change the state window content

if I have on a page only the pages sections listed and unlisted.
How can I reduce also the state in the state modal window?
Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-23 um 15.56.13
And is it also possible to change the text in this window?


Have a look here:

Thanks, it was again that I havn’t found it in the manual.
Is not my manual day today.

I declared it like this:

    label: Sichtbar
    text: Die Galeriekategorien mit diesem Status sind auf der Webseite sichtbar!
    label: Unsichtbar
    text: Die Galeriekategorien mit diesem Status sind auf der Webseite unsichtbar!

    type: pages
    status: listed
    help: Die Galeriekategorien mit diesem Status sind auf der Webseite sichtbar!

    type: pages
    status: draft
    help: Die Galeriekategorien mit diesem Status sind auf der Webseite unsichtbar!

But it doesn`t work. It will not reduce the window states only to the both states. I see further all three states also with the standard states and texts. What do I wrong?

Where did you set the status? Maybe in the wrong blueprint?

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Ah yes I have it declared in the blueprint for the galleries but I have it to declare in the blueprint for the subpages.
Thanks that you have bring me to the right thought :slight_smile: