Since none of the .htaccess tricks worked to force https, c::set(‘ssl’, true); command in the config.php works great. However I get “Page isn’t redirecting properly” when pulling up the panel. Is there a panel setting somewhere I missed?
Not that I’m aware of, have you tried to combine .htaccess
and the config setting?
Funny you ask…I went back to my original .htaccess worried there may be a conflict with the config.php. I will give it a try, thx tex
No dice, damn
Are you using an up-to-date version of Kirby 2?
Oh, that’s a very old one, respecting the SSL option for the Panel was added I think in 2.3.1: and we are currently at 2.5.12
Ok tex…any gotchas when upgrading?
Don’t know really, after all this time. Better test it locally. And PHP requirements have changed, you need at least PHP 5.6.
Mark it solved then, thanks again