Cant access .json template on root

Hi @all,

I followed the load more with Ajax tutorial and got stuck with the JSON template. For subpages its working fine, but at root level, I couldn’t figure out how to access the JSON.

http://localhost:8888/nameofpage.json - working :smiley:
http://localhost:8888/.json - not working :frowning:
http://localhost:8888.json - not working :frowning: (results in google search)

What do I have to do, to make it work?

Thanks in advance,

This should be the right URL if you had a home.json.php template.

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Thank you for your answer!

My template file and controller is named t-home.php, the json template has the name t-home.json.php.
To verify my problem, I’ve tested this:

http://localhost:8888/nameofpage.json - working :smiley:
http://localhost:8888/nameofpage/.json - not working :smiley:

When I will publish the website, it will look like this:, which the browser will interpret as the example-subdomain of com.json.

This is the correct URL for first level pages (in a starterkit for example the notes or photography pages).

This URL won’t work. .json is only valid for the home page, ie., see the docs here: Content representations | Kirby CMS

Hm, just tested it for the home page and doesn’t seem to work like it did in the past. Calling home.json does work, however.

Did you mean http://localhost:8888/home.json? It didn’t work for me.

This is my folder structure (filtered for “home”)

Having a home.json.php controller without a home.json.php template doesn’t make sense (unless the home.json.php template is just cut off in your screenshot?)

Just to be sure, your website/homepage is accessible under http://localhost:8888 right?

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I tested site.json.php and forgot to undo it.

Now it works. Thank you!

It could be great, if you would update the documentation and the cookbook

You did a really great job with the documentation! I started 2 weeks ago as a designer and so far had barely any problems finding solutions for my problems. Thank you for that too!


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I also noticed, this code

let url = `${window.location.href}home.json/page:${page}

creates a problem, when the url has a parameter in it.

For example


will generate the following link to fetch


The right one would be


I already fixed it for my case

Yes, window.location.href doesn’t fit all use cases and you have to adapt the code if you use query strings/hashes etc…