Cannot install/access panel


I know there are a few topics similar to this but none of them have seemed to help/explain my problem. I am also very knew to this.

I am running a plain kit locally with MAMP. I cannot install/access the panel though. It comes up with a 404 error. None of the other sub pages work either except for the instagram and twitter pages. Maybe it’s something wrong with MAMP?

Thanks in advance.

Welcome to Kirby! Can you explain us a little more details about your configuration, i.e. where did you install the plainkit (in docroot or subfolder), about your mamp config, screenshot of folder structure and anything else which gives us more insight to your installation?

Hi there! Thanks for the welcome :slight_smile:

I have just reinstalled the starter kit and it works???

Maybe it is because I renamed the files to be the names of the project I am working on? This time I left them as they seem to work fine! To be clear the folders the are ‘plainkit-master’ and ‘startkit-master’ are working fine.

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 9.10.46 pm|690x435


Glad to hear! :+1:

Make sure to take care about the note in file .htaccess:

# make sure to set the RewriteBase correctly
# if you are running the site in a subfolder.
# Otherwise links or the entire site will break.
# If your homepage is
# Set the RewriteBase to:
# RewriteBase /mysite

Changing the .htaccess RewriteBase to a subfolder shouldn’t be necessary in that setup though. At least I never had to.

What do you mean?

Thanks so much!