Body background color change on list item hover

I’m trying to get each li item to display its body color on hover. I have access to the body color of each li item with this code: <?= $subpage->color() ?>, but I’m unsure of how I can use the colors as I can’t add the php to the js or css.

I’ve got a working this css that shows a red background on hover, but nothing that can find the individual page colors.

li:hover:before {
  content: '';
  position: fixed;
  display: block;
  top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;
  z-index: -1;
  background-color: red;

Seriously nooby questions, but any help much appreciated :blush:

Why can’t you add the php output to the js?

You can either put <?= $subpage->color() ?> in a class on each list item, or in a data attribute.

You could use an inline style, but you cant do hover states with that.

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Maybe inline js?

onMouseOver="'<?= $subpage->backgroundColor() ?>'"

If you are storing the color as a hex code, you should probably use a data attribute, since it might have a # in it, then style it this way…

[data-color="#000"] {
  background-color: #000;

Add this as an attribute on you list items…

<li data-color="<?= $subpage->color() ?>" >

Thanks Jimbo, can’t manage to get this working. This is what I’ve got:

  <ul class="menu">
    <?php foreach($page->children() as $subpage): ?>
      <li data-color="<?= $subpage->color() ?>">
        <a href="<?= $subpage->url() ?>">
          <?= html($subpage->title()) ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

and the css

[data-color="#000"] {
  background-color: #000;

I managed to get each list item to have a background of it’s own color with the code below, but like you said I can’t do hover states with it.

<li style="background-color: <?= $subpage->color() ?>">

Hmmm perhaps it does not like # in the attribute, you could use php to swap the # for a word. Numbers are fine but a class cannot start with a number.

Also, did you adjust the css example to match the actual color?

But if you do it like this, it’s not very dynamic. Maybe better do it with JavaScript or a CSS variable in a style tag.

Ah okay. There are multiple colours, one for each subpage (10 in total), do I set multiple data-attributes?

Sry, I thought the subpage color should be the hover color.

Yes. If you are using SCSS you can keep it clean by putting the colors in a map and then looping through it.

What should be the hover colors?

<ul class="menu">
    <?php foreach($page->children() as $subpage): ?>
      <li onmouseover="'<?= $subpage->color() ?>'">
        <a href="<?= $subpage->url() ?>">
          <?= html($subpage->title()) ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>
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Perfect! Thank you very much

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Keep in mind that this “quick & dirty” solution won’t work with JavaScript disabled.