Hi @tobimori. I am really enjoying your thumbhash plugin.
I am needing to use the im driver however because the client has noticed thumbnails with altered colours as a result of using gd.
I was wondering whether in your experience you had managed to continue using gd, but kept the colours accurate?
This question does not have much to do with your thumbhash plugin, but it is because I would love to keep using it that I am trying to look for a solution to continue using gd and not switching to im.
I personally use im for generated thumbs but the plugins logic is driven by gd - whereas I personally don’t think that blurred placeholders need to be 100% accurate besides that the underlying algorithms aren’t 100% accurate either.
If you don’t need transparency, you can also try the BlurHash plugin which uses a different algorithm and also produces a different output.
If all of that doesn’t help, you can rely on Johann Schopplichs Blurry Placeholder plugin - which creates larger thumbs but doesn’t use an algorithm that might alter the colors.
I suggest that all pictures should be uploaded in sRGB color space. This way, they shouldn’t be altered and all web browsers should be able to display them correctly.
Yes, I agree that blurred placeholders don’t need to be 100% accurate.
My confusion was that I thought it was required to use gd as the driver in the site config to generate thumbs. I now understand that you can use im to generate thumbs and just have gd available on the server to be used for the thumbhash logic.