Auto-scale images on upload based on orientation

Hey Kirby users,

I want to auto-scale images that the user uploads and am using @bastianallgeier 's method from here , however that plugin works so that if either the width or the height is higher than the variable $maxDimensions then it will be rescaled based on the highest of the width or height. I want maximum width and maximum height to be a different value, so that the resizing varies depending on whether the image is landscape (max width 1820px) or portrait orientation (max height 1120px).

This is one of the methods I tried, but I seem to be breaking my page:

kirby()->hook(‘panel.file.upload’, ‘resizeImage’);
kirby()->hook(‘panel.file.replace’, ‘resizeImage’);

function resizeImage($file) {
  // set a max. dimension
  $maxWidth = 1820;
  $maxHeight = 1120;
  try {
    if ($file->type() == 'image' and $file->dimensions()->portrait() and $file->height() > $maxHeight) {
            // get the original file path
            $originalPath = $file->dir() . '/' . $file->filename();
            // create a thumb and get its path
            $resizedImage = $file->resize($maxHeight, $maxHeight);
            $resizedPath = $resizedImage->dir() . '/' . $resizedImage->filename();
            // replace the original image with the resized one
            copy($resizedPath, $originalPath);
    if ($file->type() == 'image' and $file->landscape() and $file->width() > $maxWidth) {
        // get the original file path
        $originalPath = $file->dir() . '/' . $file->filename();
        // create a thumb and get its path
        $resizedImage = $file->resize($maxWidth, $maxWidth);
        $resizedPath = $resizedImage->dir() . '/' . $resizedImage->filename();
        // replace the original image with the resized one
        copy($resizedPath, $originalPath);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
      return response::error($e->getMessage());

Any suggestions?

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Please close all braces correctly, there’s one missing after the second if and the function itself is not closed either. Correct indentation helps to identify such issues…

Thanks again @texnixe. Apologies, I should have looked over my code more clearly. I had the error set inside the braces of the try function which was breaking it. Also used the $file->isPortrait() and $file->isLandscape() functions instead of the orientation ones and it seems to be working!

Here is the finished code for anyone else who may have a similar requirement:

kirby()->hook('panel.file.upload', 'resizeImage');
kirby()->hook('panel.file.replace', 'resizeImage');

function resizeImage($file) {
    // set a max. dimension
    $maxWidth = 1820;
    $maxHeight = 1120;

    try {
        if ($file->type() == 'image' and $file->isPortrait() and $file->height() > $maxHeight) {
            // get the original file path
            $originalPath = $file->dir() . '/' . $file->filename();
            // create a thumb and get its path
            $resizedImage = $file->resize($maxHeight, $maxHeight);
            $resizedPath = $resizedImage->dir() . '/' . $resizedImage->filename();
            // replace the original image with the resized one
            copy($resizedPath, $originalPath);
        if ($file->type() == 'image' and $file->isLandscape() and $file->width() > $maxWidth) {
            // get the original file path
            $originalPath = $file->dir() . '/' . $file->filename();
            // create a thumb and get its path
            $resizedImage = $file->resize($maxWidth, $maxHeight);
            $resizedPath = $resizedImage->dir() . '/' . $resizedImage->filename();
            // replace the original image with the resized one
            copy($resizedPath, $originalPath);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return response::error($e->getMessage());
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