Audio preview on panel?

Is there a way to preview audio files in the panel? A plugin around?


In which context? An audio block?

A file details page? the same way we see the image preview when we click on it on a files field?

I know this is not implemented (I think at least) but any workaround?


I will go and assume there is nothing around that can provide this behaviour generally on anything but, perhaps, a block, capable of preview.

Would perhaps a video block provide a playable preview for a simple audio file? I could do with that :thinking:

I can’t easily see if there is a format filter for the block, that would unallow plain audio, say .mp3 , .ogg, .wav…

No, actually providing the video block with an url for a .mp3, results in nothing shown.

I saw there is a recipe for an audio block though, including preview, here.


I guess it would also be possible to show a preview in the file view, but to achieve that, you would have to extend the file area.