Hello, this is my first question on this forum, so please bear with me.
I have searched the (excellent!) Kirby docs and also this forum but couldn’t find anything.
I have got a panel with a files section. There I would like to upload .exe and also .pkg files in order the users of the website can download these product installers.
I have created a file blueprint template with the accept field, but when I try to upload I still get an exception.
Is there a way to configure this without changing Kirbys FileRules.php?
Yes, I know about the security issues with this, and uploading zip files is not an option.
The exe rule is currently hard wired into the FileRules class and cannot be changed anywhere else. I’m really sorry. pkg files shouldn’t be blocked though.
I think I have found a solution. I will upload the files manually in a folder in /assets and add links to the files via markdown. This way I can keep the original Kirby files in place.
The restriction on exe and other files surely fits for most users.
If you can upload them manually, you can definitely still put them into the matching content folders. We only block the upload of such files to avoid security issues caused by panel editors. But manually added files should still be accessible through $page->file('myevil.exe') for example
Good to know. But I like to have downloadable content in one central place such as the assets folder. And editing the links in markdown content is a bit easier as well without the page url