Adding snippet from plugin into template


Firstly I would like to apologise for such a simple question however I am new to Kirby and have only been using it for 1 month. I am making a test website to try out the possibilities and and functions. All in all its going well and Iā€™ve been using the cookbook to create the custom block of the podcast.

All in all its going really well and Iā€™ve used this to start creating my own custom block.

I canā€™t seem to add the snippet from the plugin into a template to see the result in the frontend.

Here is a section from my ā€œindex.phpā€ in the plugin folder.

ā€˜snippetsā€™ => [
ā€˜blocks/audioā€™ => DIR . ā€˜/snippets/blocks/audio.phpā€™,

when i try to include the snippet in the template to see the result it doesnā€™t show up in my browser.

<?php snippet('/snippets/blocks/audio.php') ?>

Where am I going wrong? any help would be greatly appreciated

Should be

<?php snippet('blocks/audio') ?>

The snippets helper always uses the path to the snippet in the snippets folder, without the extension, i.e. without snippets in the path and without .php.