Adding a robots tag and noindex,nofollow value to pages

I want to provide my site editors with a way of adding a robots noindex, nofollow value to some pages. I’ve found this in the docs:

<?php if ($page->robots()->isFalse()): ?>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<?php endif ?>

but can anyone tell me what field type is best for this? I’m considering checkboxes or radio or toggle in my blueprint. Or is there a better way?

I’d say whatever works best for your editors. I’d personally use a toggle, I think, unless there was a reason to offer different combinations of those tags.

Ok, thanks. I’m using a toggle with this in my snippet.

if ($page->robots()->toBool() === true) {
  // do this
	echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">';
} else {
  // do this (nothing)
} ?>