A "," after each line except on the latest one


Is it possible to put after each line a “,” except on the latest one?
['<strong><?php echo $market->market()->html() ?></strong><br /><?php echo $market->place()->html() ?>']

<?php $i=0; foreach($page->markets()->toStructure() as $market): ?>													
	['<strong><?php echo $market->market()->html() ?></strong><br /><?php echo $market->place()->html() ?>']
<?php endforeach ?>

You can do this with css only:

strong:not(:last-child)::after {
  content: ",";

but I think it would be better to wrap your data in a ul and each market in a li-element

This probably isn’t a “best practice”, but I find myself often “array_map” and “join”-ing stuff.

In your case you could do:

join(', <br>', array_map(function($market) {
  return brick('strong', $market->$market->market()->html());
}, $page->markets()->toStructure());