What plugins do you miss?

You can count on us :slight_smile:.

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Now we have plugin ideas here in the forum I see no reason to continue with my plugin wishlist repo.

But it has not been completely unnessesary.

Three awesome plugins was (probably) born out of it:

Here is an image of the issues if you want to see it for the last time.

Any chance you’ll update Logger for Kirby3, @texnixe?!

@luxuryluke Hm, up til now I haven’t had any plans, but I guess I could if there is any demand. What is your use case for using the plugin? After all, it doesn’t store the actual changes, so it’s more an activity monitor.

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@texnixe I’d make use of that plugin too. I use it to see if clients have made changes since i last deployed that i need to pull down from the server. Beats trawling through the file system on the server looking at date stamps…

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I recently started developing a simple log plugin for exactly this use case: https://github.com/medienbaecker/kirby-logger

It’s still WIP but may already help you.

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I like this, Thomas! This is exactly the functionality that could help multiple people managing an install not stomp on each other and track progress in an easier way.