Simple "Like"-feature

Alright, will figure something out :wink: Thanks for all the help!

I tried here and this worked, note that the method is just int():

$likesCount = $post->likes()->int();
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Niiiice @pedroborges, that totally works :smiley: Awesome! Thank you man!

Thanks a lot for correcting the typo. :slight_smile:

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Callback in $page->update() has just been added to the development branch and will be included in the next release. Also coming with the next release, two handy functions for this topic:

$page->increment('likes', $by = 10);
$page->increment('likes', $by = 10, $max = 1000);

$page->decrement('likes', $by = 10);
$page->decrement('likes', $by = 10, $min = 0);