How to force kirby to load a static html page using the custom response type in the router?

I can get kirby to route to the folder outside the content from within, i.e. /data, but then it does not check the user privileges. I used the instructions here to do so. However, that does not help me.

I have now moved the folder back into /content, i.e. /content/data and I am trying to use the custom response type to force kirby to load the html and pass it through. I believe this should work, but I can’t seem to read the index2.html file in order to pass it on. I always see the File can not be found! message.

Here is my route in the config.php file:

  [  // protect the D.A.T.A.
    'pattern' => '/data(:all)',
    'action'  => function($all) {

      // if the user is not logged in, reroute to the login form.
      if (!kirby()->user()) {
        go('login?location=' . urlencode(kirby()->request()->path()));

      // if logged in:
      if (F::exists('/data'.$all)) {
      //$html = file_get_contents('data/index2.html');
        $html = F::load('data/'.$all);
        return new Response($html, 'text/html'); 
      } else {
        return new Response('<html><body>File can not be found!</body></html>', 'text/html');