Responsive images questions

Which thumbs driver are you using?

I have no idea what that means

It would make sense to use modern image formats as well.

Yep, I’m going to get to that once I’ve got the responsive images working.

You can’t with srcset, because srcset always creates thumbs.

Always creates thumbs - what’s a ‘thumb’? srcset always creates a (smaller) version of the original image - and that is called a ‘thumb’? Is that short for thumbnail – a smaller version of a larger image?

So you would have to create a thumb as large as the max size to fit this into the srcset

So if the max-width is 2112px and to cater for devices with a DPR of 2, would I add the following

'4224w' => ['width' => 4224],

From a previous question I understand the srcset does not upscale images. So, would it use the original (3240px image)?

It outputs the width and height values of the (largest) thumb, in this case. The purpose of adding the width and height attributes is not so much their exact values but the ratio, so as to prevent layout shifts.

Is this code for square ratio images 2112 x 2112? most of my images are 2:1 ratio, but not all. My largest thumb will be 4224 or 3240? What should I do here?