Related articles with structured field

You can use the contents of the structure field in a template in this way:

  <? $n=0; foreach($page->related()->yaml() as $R): $n++; ?>
    <?php $r = $pages->find($R['relatedarticle']); ?>
    <? if($r->images() != ''): ?>
        <a href="<?= $r->url() ?>" class="item<? if($n==1) echo ' active' ?>" title="<?= $r->title()->html() ?>">
          <h4><?= $r->title()->html() ?></h4>
            <? $image = $r->images()->first() ?>
            <img src="<?= thumb($image, array('width' => 174, 'height' => 150, 'crop' => true), false) ?>" />
    <? endif ?>
  <? endforeach ?>

I just changed pages in the first line to yaml. That will generate an array ($page->related()->yaml()) out of the structure field contents. This array contains a list of arrays containing the fields of a structure entry. I named these arrays $R and saved the according page to $r.

You may use a::show($page->related()->yaml()) and a::show($R) to see the contents of both arrays.

In the docs:

If you want to view the images in the panel it is not possible at the moment. At least not with a prebuilt field. See Using Kirby’s power in entry of structure field.