Read both files and texts from a structure

If you use echo, you have to use a full php tag, not just <?

<?php echo $image->url() ?>

Or use the short echo tag <?=

<img src="<?= $image->url() ?>"  alt="" />

(It is possible to use the short opening tag <? if you enable it on your server, but that is highly discouraged.)

Thanks, It works. I am grateful

is it possible to have 2 image fields in a structure?

Yes, of course.

mine is displaying one image in the two fields.
here is my code:

<?php foreach ($page->innovations()->toStructure() as $innovation): ?>
                                        <div class="col-md-6">

                                                <div class="solution-img">

                                                <?php if ($image = $innovation->image()->toFile()): ?>

                                                    <div class="img-holder">

                                                            < img src=" <?= $image->url() ?> "   alt="MyStaff" >


                                                    <?php endif ?>


                                                <div class="solution-details">

                                                <?php if ($detailslogo = $innovation->image()->toFile()): ?>

                                                    < img src="<?=  $detailslogo->url() ?>" alt="MyStaff">

                                                    <?php endif ?>

                                                    <p class="solution-desc"><?= $innovation->details() ?></p>


                                        <?php endforeach ?>

Please post your blueprint, you are using the same image ($innovation->image()) for both instances, even if you store it in different variables.

I need help please

I can only repeat what was already asked above:

Please post your blueprint with the structure field.

    width: 2/3
        label: Innovations
        type: structure
        sectionField: section
            label: Innovation Image
            type: files
            label: Details Logo
            type: files
            label: Innovation Text
            type: textarea

should be:

<?php if ($detailslogo = $innovation->detailslogo()->toFile()): ?>

To get the file store in the image field:

<?php if ($image = $innovation->content()->get('image')->toFile()): ?>

When using field names reserved by Kirby’s native methods, you have to go via the content object or rename your fields.