Query subpages of selected page inside the same page

Hm, @texnixe I’ll try. I can solve this differently but wanted to see if it is possible. It seemed like it could work.

When you mention Programmatically changing blueprint, I have one that doesn’t work in Kirby 3.8.2 but it worked in Kirby 3.7


$work = site()->children()->findBy('intendedTemplate', 'work');
$minwidth = $work->coverWidth()->isNotEmpty() ? $work->coverWidth()->toInt() : '600';
$minheight = $work->coverHeight()->isNotEmpty() ? $work->coverHeight()->toInt() : '800';
$ratio = $work->coverRatio()->isTrue() ? '' : 'fixed';

return [
    'type' => 'image-clip',
    'clip' => [
      'minwidth' => $minwidth,
      'minheight' => $minheight,
      'ratio' => $ratio,

This is the field in the Project template that listens to the parent Work template setting. It influences the cropping size of the Kirby3 Image Clip plugin. But, for some reason, not anymore. It always uses 600 x 800 no matter what I do. Also, it doesn’t listen to ration setting.

But, maybe what you suggested Programmatically change the content of the file field - #38 by bastianallgeier could be the way to go for both issues.