Plugin Developers: Convention for installation via Composer

I agree with that. Seems like something that is quite easy to do actually. We could load the Composer autoloader when loading plugins if the file exists. Could you please open an issue in the Kirby repo?

Having feedback from the community is always useful. But of course there might be situations where we still want to implement something differently. So polls can only be a point of reference for us. We will start polls when we think that it’s useful for us. :slight_smile:

That’s true!
Back then we didn’t have controllers at all. But even now it sometimes doesn’t make sense to use a controller, for example if you need to call a simple Toolkit method like a::get() etc. Creating a controller just for that would make it all unnecessarily complicated for beginners. Don’t forget that controllers are an advanced feature!

Definitely. I think we need to find a better way to utilize Composer though, the current way of committing the dependencies to the repo isn’t really optimal either.


@krisa My main point is that Composer with PSR-4 enforces a certain structure for a codebase that lots of PHP devs are familiar with. Say there is an instance of a Page class. Where do I find it’s source? With PSR-4 I just have to follow the namespace to find the correct file. Enforcing an object oriented approach is also a plus IMO. Object oriented code can be mocked and extended which is great for testing. Note that all this doesn’t have to change the way how Kirby can be installed and used.


Agreed, this is how the whole story started for me. I had to include all dependencies of the Uniform plugin in the repository to be compatible with the “traditional” method of installing plugins (and the CLI) and I’m not happy with that at all.

@mzur To answer your initial question, the way I’m managing Composer now is by telling users of my plugins to require vendor/autoload.php from their site.php script:
See: Installing StaticBuilder with Composer.

On the other hand, in Kirby Twig’s installation doc I’m offering less detailed steps, most importantly I’m leaving out the part about requiring vendor/autoload.php, or where to call composer require kirby-twig from, since I expect Composer users to know what to do, but that’s a big assumption.

I also made an experimental boilerplate for a fully composerified Kirby install, which incidentally solves the Panel issue you’re mentioning. But the “load just before plugins” solutions proposed here are less invasive.

Finally, you’re talking about a convention for loading Composer’s vendor/autoload.php, but not for the “right” way to instantiate the plugin. Do we have any opinions about that, folks?

Instantiating a plugin often consists of:

  • setting a few things in the Kirby Registry
  • perhaps declaring a few helper functions

For instance, in Kirby Uniform the composer.json references the plugin’s index.php which is:

And it also references src/helpers.php. Both files will be loaded when requiring vendor/autoload.php, whether that’s the one in the plugin’s directory as downloaded by kirby-cli or manually, or one at the root of the project when installing with Composer.

That looks alright but it requires sanity checks in case Kirby is not running (e.g. a different script tried to include vendor/autoload.php).

In my plugins I did things a bit differently, by creating a static method that does the registry stuff and the “let’s include a helpers script” stuff. You have to call it explicitly, which can happen in your site/config/config.php or in a site/plugins/whatever.php.


It requires one more action from the plugin’s user, but it also gives some control back.
Any thoughts?