Plugin bundles: how to implement them

So assets() would probably look something like this (just sketching the idea):

// kirby()->modules()->asset(__DIR__ . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'css', 'assets/myPlugin/css')

public function assets($dir, $route) {
  if($page = page($route)) return false;
  return kirby()->routes(array(
      'pattern' => $route . '/(:all)', 
      'action'  => function($file) use($dir) {
  	  $path = $dir . DS . $file;
          if(f::exists($path)) {
            return new Response(f::read($path), f::extension($path));
          } else {
            return Response::error();

That should work also for subdirectories with assets. What error would be appropriate?

Great starting point. My take on this:

// kirby()->modules()->assets(__DIR__ . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'css', 'assets/myPlugin/css')

public function assets($dir, $route) {
  // TODO: Is this a good idea here?
  // Might be confusing if you happen to create the page and suddenly the asset stops working
  // Maybe the asset should override the page
  if($page = page($route)) return false;
  return kirby()->routes(array(
      'pattern' => trim($route, '/') . '/(:all)', 
      'action'  => function($file) use($dir) {
        $path = $dir . DS . $file;
        if(is_file($path)) {
          return false;
        } else {
          return site()->errorPage();

Well, I think it would be even more confusing if you create a page and you can’t access it because some plugin developer did choose a way to generic route which overrides it. So by returning false the plugin would know abut a conflict with a page and could maybe deal with it?

Yeah, maybe you are right. Maybe the plugin developer could print a warning or choose an alternate route (or use a more specific one in the first place ;)).

I moved the discussion about the implementation from the thread about the general development of plugins.

Also added asset routes and autocss/autojs handling to the PR. So now it is all about improving, refactoring, renaming, finding and fixing errors…


Any news about plugin bundles? I guess it will not be in 2.3, right?

No ETA for that, but we think we have figured out an even better way to handle them.

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