Panel Search Feature

Hello Friends, i just look at the showcase a bit and if have found some many cool company sites,
and I 've been thinking, iā€™m sure this sites have many content on the site, and lets see one person of the team
search a specific page, what i mean is that he can use a Panel Search, and he can enter a specific word like ā€œMitarbeiterā€ and that shows him the path to the page (thats maybe helpfull if the word ā€œMitarbeiterā€ on many other pages is or are).

Iā€™hope you know a bit what i mean :confused:

Have a nice monday, and a beautifull start in the week :blush:


The Panel has a search at the top right of the UI, but it only searches through the title field. A more advanced search and/or integration with services like Algolia is on our list for the future.

oh okay, thanks you lukas :slight_smile: