Navigate into a collection with hasNext/hasPrev

Just an idea, not tested:

You could use an URL parameter to pass the tag to the project page. Instead of using the standard page methods, you could create your own custom page methods, that use the information from the parameter to determine the next/prev pages (custom page methods will be available in the upcoming 2.3 release).

Edit: That would in fact work if you copy the code from the protected methods _prev() and _next() into your own page methods. Then you can pass a filtered collection to those methods like this.

// the referer is passed from the projects overview page
<?php $referer = param('referer'); ?>
<nav class="nextprev cf" role="navigation">

      <?php if($prev = $page->_prev($page->siblings()->filterBy('tags', $referer, ','))): ?>
      <a class="prev" href="<?php echo $prev->url() . "/referer:" . $referer ?>">&larr; previous</a>
      <?php endif ?>
      <?php if($next = $page->_next($page->siblings()->filterBy('tags', $referer, ','))): ?>
      <a class="next" href="<?php echo $next->url() . "/referer:" . $referer ?>">next &rarr;</a>
      <?php endif ?>

Note that the above is just a rough outline to illustrate the idea using the native protected _prev() and _next() methods (by hacking the core to make them public for testing). Also, you would have to check if the referer exists etc.