Made with Kirby and <3

And my first site with Kirby. A history-site for a local sports club in Weimar, Germany. Designed by Goldwiege:


Lovely website, illustrations & animations. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you!

Nice. Studied in Weimar myself, that brings back memories. :slight_smile:

I’d be more curious about the Panel setup, though.

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Very good and nicely done site, thanks for sharing!

I have a rough concept in my mind for a site about »vanished buildings« in general. Even though the background is a different one it would work a lot like this site does.

Me too, and I came back to Weimar rather soon :slight_smile:

I can add some panel shots, though they are not that special, I’d think.

Finally deployed the new website for the branding agency I am part of:

Made with Kirby 4 and lots of :heart:

Here’s a glimpe into the panel:


Using favorite partners and tools, we created the website for AH4, the leading family law experts in Switzerland.

  • GSAP JS for the scrolling
  • Lottiefiles for the moving
  • Alpine JS for the components
  • Tailwind CSS for the good looks
  • Laravel Mix for putting all things together
  • Of course Kirby CMS for dealing with the content
  • Molinari Design for the Webdesign
  • And :heart: for all the rest


To celebrate Kirby v4 we just launched a new modern redesign for the german hostingprovider 24-seven:


Hi there,

over the last 20 years, I moved the company website over several generations of handcoded sites to a couple of low-level / plaintext CMS systems. I’m using Kirby since v2, and it is by far the best one because it offers flexibility and a low profile while emphasising well-designed code.

SCHATZL is creating fine handmade furniture in Munich/Germany.


I’m very curious about the custom Layout field! Can you give some insights in how it’s built?

Yes sure. This uses a stock layout field and an invisible section, that watches the Vue store for changes and generates CSS on the fly, which uses pseudo-elements and overrides to the layout field’s CSS to display the additional information.

Although it feels like a dirty hack, it is much easier that way than to fork the layout field and maintaining a custom version. The update form K3 > K4 was done within minutes.


Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce you to the new homepage of hanseWasser, a municipal wastewater disposal company in Bremen. For the first time, the website was completely designed, created and programmed in-house
 a job I have been working on for the last few months. We started with Kirby 3 and switched to 4 shortly before the release. After the old homepage had been online almost unchanged for over 10 years (Typo3 with TemplaVoila), I hope that the new version will be more beautiful, faster and more user-friendly.


Hi Bastian and Kirby people,

First things first: Bastian and team congratulations on Kirby 4!

I’ve redesigned and refactored the code for my Kirby Theme: ZOON, and I’ve obviously used K4 to do so. I’ve been using Kirby since version 1, and the transformation is quite impressive. It is a joy to work in the panel with lots of ‘quality of life’ improvements. I’ve made quite a few demo pages for the ZOON demo site, which was a nice process to test the theme and all the parts involved and to get to know the new panel. Have a look at the demo site, if you like.

Lighthouse results vary from page to page, but as a designer, I like to work in a balance between performance and aesthetics, form, and function. Kirby fits very nicely, keep it up!


A couple of sites I made with Kirby.

Decoupled (frontend rendered with 11ty by getting the Kirby data via API):

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I’ve made a website for a visual artist. Initially, I made a site for one of her works: a pentaptych with the five centers that together form the municipality of Zeist in The Netherlands. Seventy-five medallions with people, buildings, and initiatives symbolize the interconnectedness through time. For this, I did the (macro)photography, text writing, and redaction, as well as the design and development of the site.
This was first made in Eleventy, but the main site needed an update, so I integrated both sites and used Kirby CMS for it. I like working with Eleventy, but I like Kirby better, and obviously, the artist has to be able to manage her own content.

I particularly like the ‘subsite’ with an overview of the 75 medallions that are part of the work of art, it was a nice opportunity to combine photography, design, writing and implementing it all in Kirby. If you like, have a look at the site: Isabel Ferrand.

Note: The site will be updated to use K4 also because it offers a lot of improvements for the user in the Panel.

Greetings: Marco Koedam


:tada: Today I published my first Kirby project:
The new website for a manufacturer of refined industrial wires.

The bilingual realization was a bit of a challenge for my first Kirby project. So I threw myself straight into the :ocean: deep end. But thanks to the great help here in the forum, I didn’t :ring_buoy: drown.

A special thanks goes to @texnixe who helped me with her speed and competence in many difficult situations.

There is now one less WordPress installation and one more Kirby installation on the web.


How did you design the tabs to look like a button?

I recently worked on this: