Lots of pages, slow start

@bvdputte i have lots dynacmic lists and filtering as well as editorial updates. but i probably should just cache the html output manually for a few seconds to reduce the processing load.

@texnixe i see. thanks. most of my calls seem to originate from $page->children() which trigger the inventory() of various sub-objects. what do you think will happen if i persist the inventory array of pageobjects between two skript calls? the current $page->cache object is only for one skript call, not for a session, or multiple pageviews at the same time, right?

like saving the array to a file and read it back if within a few seconds?

like with this simple json read-write? (just without the encode/decode typo).

creating and loading my cache here…

clearing my custom cache of inventory here as well…

i know doing file.cache could solve some problems but i also want to speed up the processing of my massive page collections.