HowTo: Insert additional rows in the HEAD of a template file


The source code of the following (extended) header file is based on Kirby version 2.1.0.
But you can use this solution for all older versions of Kirby.

Step 1:

Replace your snippet ‘header.php’ in the snippets directory by the extended version:

<?php if (!isset($header_include)) $header_include = ''; // no "header" extension required ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">

  <title><?php echo $site->title()->html() ?> | <?php echo $page->title()->html() ?></title>
  <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $site->description()->html() ?>">
  <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $site->keywords()->html() ?>">

  <?php echo css('assets/css/main.css') ?>

<?php if($header_include <> ''):  snippet($header_include); endif; ?>

  <header class="header cf" role="banner">
    <a class="logo" href="<?php echo url() ?>">
      <img src="<?php echo url('assets/images/logo.svg') ?>" alt="<?php echo $site->title()->html() ?>" />
    <?php snippet('menu') ?>

Hint: Only the very first line and the line before </head> are new.

Step 2:

If you need some lines in the <head> of an template, build another snippet file (e.g. ‘header_include_fancybox.php’) in the snippets directory only with the extra lines.
Then change the line

<?php snippet('header'); ?>

in the template file to:

<?php snippet('header', array('header_include' => 'header_include_fancybox')); ?>

If you don’t need additional lines in the <head> of an template, change nothing in that template file.

That’s all!


  • The advantage of this method is that any rows can be inserted, depending on the needs of the respective templates.
  • If you want to add or change anything in the <head> of all of your webpages later, you only need to update one file (’header.php’) and still all pages are updated!


You can make this trick in the snippet footer.php, of course, mutatis mutandis.
And I would add the second supplement there on the line before </body>.

Good luck!

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Another couple of disadvantages to this approach is that you can only add one snippet, and you can’t add anything that isn’t a snippet.

A simpler solution would be to just assume that the variable will be a string.

if(isset($header_include)) {
    echo $header_include;

And when calling the header from your template you could use, for example:

snippet('header', array(
    'header_include' => snippet('fancybox_header', array(), true)


snippet('header', array(
    'header_include' => css('assets/css/carousel.css')
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Thanks for the good suggestions, I will take them over the next few days in my post.