How to bootstrap Kirby in a given environment from CLI script

First of all: Thank you to all previous posters, without you, I would have really been stuck on this.

I would just like to add some detail here, as I came across the same problem, that kirby()->cache('pages')->flush() did not work in my code and it took me quite some time to figure it out, even after reading this post the above related post:

As mentioned in the other post, adding the url option does make kirby()->cache('pages')->flush() work. But if you have a multi-environment setup, like bvdputte wrote above

and try to bootstrap from a CLI script, it throws an error.

As I did not understand how to achieve what bnomei and bvdputte wrote in the two posts above this one, I tried using env.php to override the url in the config, as is stated in kirby docs here.

So, in short, my solution is (examples from kirby docs):

  1. Specifiy an allowlist of domains in the general config.php like so
return [
  'url' => [
  1. Override url in production and every environment you need kirby()->cache('pages')->flush() to work in file env.php like so:
return [
  'url' => ''