Header snippet doesn't work with cache

I also have a problem with cache and header snippet involving Mobile Detect plugin. After activating the Kirby’s file cache I noticed, that I can only see either mobile or desktop content. This seemingly depends on which content was cached first. I have a navigation element placed in the header that has slightly different content in mobile and desktop. However, also other mobile/desktop specific content, placed elsewhere on the page, does the same thing. Is there a way to fix this issue in my case or is my problem a different case altogether?

The Mobile Detect bit in my header snippet looks like this:

		if(!detect()->isMobile() || detect()->isTablet()): ?>
		<?php snippet('navigation-desktop') ?>
	<?php endif ?>
		if(detect()->isMobile()): ?>
		<?php snippet('navigation-mobile') ?>
	<?php endif ?>

The version of Mobile Detect is the one suggested in this Kirby forum post.